Our Demonsomnia +30 trainer is now available for free download. These Demonsomnia cheats are designed to enhance your experience with the game.
Demonsomnia is a CO-OP multiplayer bodycam horror game about the impact of a nuclear reaction. Radiation has spread everywhere, put on your gas mask, go to the forest, collect objects and return to the mansion. Your goal is to collect evidence with the equipment and hunt the demon in the mansion.
Trainer Options:
Unlimited Health
Unlimited Stamina
Unlimited Ammo
No Reload
Unlimited Oxygen
Unlimited Battery for Flashlight
No Radiation Damage
Super Speed
Super Jump
No Fall Damage
One-Hit Kills
Invisible to Enemies
Unlimited Inventory Space
Instant Weapon Cooldown
Unlimited Weapon Durability
Unlimited Resources
Unlimited Crafting Materials
Instant Crafting
No Recoil
Perfect Accuracy
Unlimited Demon Mode Duration
No Demon Mode Cooldown
Unlimited Demon Abilities
Freeze Time
Slow Motion
Fast Forward Time
Reveal All Items
Reveal All Enemies
Teleport to Waypoint
Save/Load Position