Download Aloft Trainer.
Our Aloft +30 trainer is now available for free download. These Aloft cheats are designed to enhance your experience with the game.
Soar the skies in Aloft, the co-op sandbox survival game set in a world of floating islands. Build any island into a skyship, your home in the clouds. Find lost knowledge, cure the fungal corruption, and brave the hurricane to restore the ecosystem.
Trainer Options:
HOME Activate Trainer
F1 Infinite Health
F2 Infinite Stamina
F3 Unlimited Oxygen
F4 Never Get Lost
F5 Auto-Pilot to Waypoints
F6 Super Speed
F7 Fast Travel Anywhere
F8 Unlimited Crafting Materials
F9 Instant Crafting
F10 Infinite Inventory Space
F11 Unlimited Food/Water
F12 Immune to Cold/Heat
[CTRL+F1] Perfect Landings
[CTRL+F2] Ignore Wind Speed
[CTRL+F3] Unlimited Glider Boost
[CTRL+F4] Super Jump Height
[CTRL+F5] Infinite Parachute Durability
[CTRL+F6] No Fall Damage
[CTRL+F7] Craft Any Item
[CTRL+F8] Always Find High-Quality Loot
[CTRL+F9] See All Hidden Locations
[CTRL+F10] Tag All Collectibles
[CTRL+F11] Mark All Points of Interest
[CTRL+F12] Superhuman Strength
[SHIFT+F1] Increased Durability
[SHIFT+F2] Tame Any Creature
[SHIFT+F3] Control Weather
[SHIFT+F4] Fast Build Structures
[SHIFT+F5] Instant Trap Activation
[SHIFT+F6] Edit Slot 1