Once Human Trainer Cheats +30 – Infinite Health, No Reload, Infinite Money, Teleport, Instant Build

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Our Once Human +30 trainer is now available for free download. These Once Human cheats are designed to enhance your experience with the game.

Once Human is a multiplayer open-world survival game set in a strange, post-apocalyptic future. Unite with friends to fight monstrous enemies, uncover secret plots, compete for resources, and build your own territory. Once, you were merely human. Now, you have the power to remake the world.

Trainer Options:

║                          Once Human Trainer NFO                            ║
║ Game Title     : Once Human                                                ║
║ Version        : 1.0                                                       ║
║ Trainer Developer: Cheattrainer                                            ║
║ Release Date   : July 19, 2024                                             ║
║ Category       : Trainer/Mods                                              ║
║ Platform       : PC                                                        ║

║                               Trainer Options                              ║
║ 1.  Infinite Health               [F1]                                     ║
║ 2.  Infinite Stamina              [F2]                                     ║
║ 3.  No Hunger                     [F3]                                     ║
║ 4.  No Thirst                     [F4]                                     ║
║ 5.  Max Sanity                    [F5]                                     ║
║ 6.  Infinite Ammo                 [F6]                                     ║
║ 7.  No Reload                     [F7]                                     ║
║ 8.  Unlimited Resources           [F8]                                     ║
║ 9.  Easy Crafting                 [F9]                                     ║
║ 10. Unlimited Weight Capacity     [F10]                                    ║
║ 11. Super Speed                   [F11]                                    ║
║ 12. Stealth Mode                  [F12]                                    ║
║ 13. One-Hit Kills                 [CTRL+F1]                                ║
║ 14. No Weapon Degradation         [CTRL+F2]                                ║
║ 15. Unlimited Territory Core Energy [CTRL+F3]                              ║
║ 16. Instant Build                 [CTRL+F4]                                ║
║ 17. Unlimited Building Materials  [CTRL+F5]                                ║
║ 18. Fast Weapon Upgrade           [CTRL+F6]                                ║
║ 19. Unlock All Weapon Blueprints  [CTRL+F7]                                ║
║ 20. Max Gun Perks                 [CTRL+F8]                                ║
║ 21. Infinite Money                [CTRL+F9]                                ║
║ 22. Freeze Time                   [CTRL+F10]                               ║
║ 23. Max Reputation with All Factions [CTRL+F11]                            ║
║ 24. Instant Quest Completion      [CTRL+F12]                               ║
║ 25. Unlock All Map Locations      [SHIFT+F1]                               ║
║ 26. Reveal All Enemies            [SHIFT+F2]                               ║
║ 27. No Pollution Damage           [SHIFT+F3]                               ║
║ 28. Teleport to Waypoint          [SHIFT+F4]                               ║
║ 29. Save Position                 [SHIFT+F5]                               ║
║ 30. Load Position                 [SHIFT+F6]                               ║

Note: Activate Trainer using HOME button

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10 thoughts on “Once Human Trainer Cheats +30 – Infinite Health, No Reload, Infinite Money, Teleport, Instant Build”

  1. This trainer is far better than other trainers created by devs. It has almost no detection. Just make sure to not hack into other players inverntory to prevent bans.

  2. Just wanted to say Thank You for this one! Lots of options (especially with the Editor)
    Great job guys!!!! Cheers 😁

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